Please find our terms of service below.


These general terms and conditions apply when you place an order from Bare Stockholm AB, company registration no SE559232674701 on .

By accepting these General Conditions, you confirm that you are at least 18 years old or have your legal guardian’s permission and that you will comply with the General Conditions. You also confirm that you have read the information on personal data and cookies and approve the use of such data in accordance in our Privacy policy page.

We sell products to multiple jurisdictions and these General Conditions are set out to be global . Still, depending on the jurisdiction in which you live, mandatory law may also apply. We respect such applicable laws and nothing in these General Conditions shall be seen as a limitation of your mandatory statutory rights, if such laws provide greater rights for you than set out here.

By accepting these General Conditions, you understand and accept that any order, purchase or transaction is made exclusively between the Company and the Customer.


When you receive an order confirmation from us your purchase order is accepted and a purchase agreement is entered into. We encourage you to save the order confirmation for any future contacts with us. We may deny a purchase order for various reasons, for example if you provide incorrect personal data and/or have a record for non-payment of debt.

You may withdraw your order until it has been confirmed by us. We will then refund any payment that you, or your pay- or credit card company, have made for the order.

We may cancel an order if the products ordered are sold out. We will then refund any amount paid and notify you about equivalent products if such are available.

All products ordered remain our property until we have received full payment for them.

Customer information etc.

You are responsible for that the personal data that you provide us with is correct and complete.

You are responsible for all purchases made with your login details. So make sure that you keep the login details secret and that no unauthorized persons have access to them. Let us know if you suspect that an unauthorized person have obtained access to your login details.

Prices, fees etc.

The prices indicated on the Website apply to orders placed on the Website. All prices are in the currency stated on the Website and include VAT where specified (depending on where you reside VAT may however not be applicable to your purchase). If nothing else is stated on the Website the prices do not include payment- or shipping fees and these are given separately. Please note also that local charges (such as currency conversion fees, credit or bank card fees, sales tax, customs duty etc.) may apply depending on where you live and local regulations. Such charges are at your expense and will not be refunded by us.